Friday, December 18, 2015

Playing with Photoshop

I love playing with possibilities that exist for a single image, in this instance a shot looking down on sidewalk steps. Signs say watch your step. But the play of shadows and lines on these steps almost tripped me up. They’re a visual symphony. I think that the dirt and water stains or kind of painterly. 

Sidewalk Plaid: In Photoshop, I duplicated it, turned one copy 90 degrees, and then blended the two images. 

Sidewalk Fabric: a fabric design composite of flips and dupes of “Sidewalk Plaid.” How could I have this printed on actual cotton fabric? I think it would make a great smock. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

In my intense struggle to find a visual footing in my new neighborhood, Chattanooga, Tennessee, with it’s hazy light, muted skies, and murky water, I took a stab at photojournalism, which I thought might provide a beat, and an excuse to roam, chat with strangers, learn something, and run across art shots along the way. Here’s my photo essay about the Chickamauga Dam and one of its consequences, the Chickamauga Lake.

But, according to my mentor, a true photojournalist would visit his/her subject area every day for a month, get inside one of those boats, and follow one of those human subjects to wherever they decided to go next, maybe a party. Was he kidding? LOL_at Chickamauga Dam and Lake, Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Inspired by Dreams

These look like the stuff of dreams:

Alexandro Boezio

His sculptures made my hands and feet itch.

Beth Cavener Stichter 

Her sculpture hit me between the eyeballs. The sculptor specializes in contorted animals that depict twisted human emotions.

For more:

Jana Winderen and Marc Fornee

Their awe-inspiring installation, “Situation Room”, which is actually a sound exhibit.


What in real life looks like what I experience in my dreams?
In a local antique shop, I shot this manikin head wrapped in silver tissue.