Saturday, June 17, 2017

For me, the news of Donald Trump’s election to the Presidency of the United States was so grim that I decided to protest on behalf of the Affordable Care Act, which seemed doomed to extinction. I joined demonstrations held by ACA Advocate in front of Courthouse in downtown Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Could I use art in the service of political advocacy?

Here’s my launch into street photography portraiture: Colleen Davis, volunteer roving photographer who demonstrates in various cities in Tennessee and in Washington, D.C., stands in front of the Courthouse.

In a hurry with a lot going on around us, I used my iPhone. The results were too dark to see her face clearly, so I opened the portrait in Photoshop where I used Adjustments to lighten and brighten, targeting her facial expression that I think shows determination along with a micro expression of anxiety.

My critique here is that the shot’s too much like others of its kind. I’m determined to make future portraits more original.